8 Best Websites to Learn and Practice Touch Typing

Do you want to increase your typing speed or do you want to practice your typing online for free? Do you want to type so fast without looking at the keyboard? 

Typing speed is essential when you are working online, it will help you to increase your productivity by saving time or doing more tasks in a short time. 

This post has two parts:

  1. Sites to Learn Typing 
  2. Sites to Practice Typing

Websites to Learn Typing

Typing speed is a little hard to learn and a slow process but once you have learned, you will be happy to see the speed of your fingers working on the keyboard. Another thing is that a person looks pretty cool when he or she is typing so quickly without looking at the keyboard. 

Learn and Practice Touch Typing

There are multiple websites and softwares teaching how to type and become fluent and consistent in typing. This is the list of best and easy-to-use websites to learn typing. 

1- Typing Club 

Typing Club is one of the most famous and well-known websites to learn how to type?  This website contains video lectures to teach the students. Video lectures are always better than written ones to understand. 

In typing club, you will be taught from the very beginning and it is made for absolute beginners. You will start learning from the home row to advance lectures. It contains 685 lectures on typing. This is a big number. This shows that Typing Club teaches from the beginning to the pro level.  

The facility on this website is that you can start from anywhere you want. If you are not very much a beginner and already have some knowledge about typing then you can start learning from any of the lectures in 685 lectures. 

2- Typing.com 

Typing.com is a unique website that not only teaches how to type but also it takes typing tests to check your typing speed has multiple built-in games and also showcases your achievements. 

You just need to go to the lesson section and there you go. Video lectures are available with awesome interesting illustrations and animations. You will be happy to learn from typing.com. There are typing tests on the site to check your speed after the lessons. 

This site shows analytics like your Typing speed, typing accuracy, typing time, and average speed. You can check these things on the home screen of lessons. 

Typing.com also includes Coding Essentials for programmers to practice programming and the problem keys section to practice your problem keys well again. 

3- Typingtest.com

Typing Trainer is another well-known and good website to learn how to type fast. It is a website that includes multiple tools for students for free. You can learn typing in an easy and in gaming mode. Stars appear and you have to click that button. 

It has a Tricky keys option to teach you difficult keys and a racing game is available for practice. You can learn multiple things related to typing on this site. 

You can learn speed building, number row typing and num pad typing on this site. Go and Learn diffirent things on Typing Trainer website. 

Top Typing Practice Sites 

After learning the basics of typing, the next step is to practice your typing and increase your typing speed. There are multiple and countless websites to practice your typing but we have chosen the most interesting websites. 

1- Keybr

Keybr is the most famous website regarding typing. The easiest user interference and quick exercises make this website an interesting website for beginners and new learners. 

You just need to sign up on keybr to start your typing practice. After signing up you will be able to see your progress here. You will be given a specific letter to practice. You can practice whole letters of the English language. 

You can also play games with other players who are practicing typing. You can check your accuracy and typing speed on this quite good website. 

2- 10 Fast Fingers

10 Fast Fingers is a website that initially gives you a simple paragraph to practice and checks your typing speed. But there is not only this. You can play with other online players and check your progress. You can take part in multiple typing competitions too. 

It also tells you the top 20 members who are the most active members of this website and take part in different competitions and games. You can also give a custom typing test as well. 

In the end, this website tells you, your typing speed, accuracy, and the words written wrong. You can also switch your language and practice other languages too. 

3- Monkeytype.com

Monkey Type is a website that displays only a paragraph and the time running. You have to type the paragraph to know your typing speed and then the results will be shown after the time ends. 

You can check the list of toppers on the website and their typing speed and accuracy records as well. You can compare yourself with others for betterment in typing. 

You can also practice different paragraphs for your speed enhancement. You can set the difficulty level as well. You can practice the given paragraphs from Normal to Expert level. This site tells your results with different aspects like typing speed, time taken, and consistency of your typing. 

4- Keymash

Keymash is a unique and well-structured website for all types of users. You can find various typing competitions on this website. You can participate and win multiple rewards like coins and can use them on the same site for different purposes. 

You can see different typing challenges and competitions to participate in. You can become more confident in typing if you participate in competitions and try your best to win the game. 

This site also showcases the top-ranked users of typing competitions and challenges. You can see the rankings and can also bring your name to the list of the most competent typing experts. 

5- SpeedTyper

Hello Programmers! Speed typer website is for you specially. This website focuses not only on traditional typing but also on the special typing that is programming

As different other site shows you paragraphs to write and practice, this website gives you the paragraph consisting of programming. A simple program or a part of the program is given to you to practice. 

Actually, programming consists of special characters, full stops, and commas, and this site prepares you for the next level of speedy programming. How cool it feels that you are a programmer but a fast programmer. 

Speed Typer is a typing website that provides you not only with different practice sets but also with online competition exercises. And also lets you join the typing community. Different typing experts can be found here on the Speed Typer website to get a typing guide. 

6- Nitrotype.com

Nitro Type looks more gaming website than a typing website as it has a game that is car racing game and you can play it by typing the given paragraph. 

You just need to sign up on the site and then start racing other online typing masters. You can win different prizes and awards after winning the race. You can see the cars running and the paragraph you are typing. 

the faster you type faster your car runs and the chances of winning also increase. So, why are you waiting, go ahead and start practicing? 

7-  TyprX.com

TyperX is a simple and small website that is just like the previous one. It has one racing game and a list of different players who have won the race. You can participate in the competition and can see your progress.  

8- Rapidtyping.com

Rapid Typing is a website that is not only a typing practice website but also software for pc. You can practice typing the site as various typing features are available on the site but for your facility, you can download the software. 

Rapid Typing is famous by the name Typing Tutor as it also teaches you to touch typing. You can participate in different typing games and also take typing tests to check your typing progress. 


I am Ali Zain. An expert Content Researcher, Writer and Video Content Creator. Interested in Modern Technologies and Tech Trends.

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